Does IPL or Laser Really Eliminate Unwanted Hair?

Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Hair Removal are two of the most popular treatments that people choose to remove hair from the body. These have been proved as very effective methods that can have really amazing results if done in the right manner. If you are looking forward to removing unwanted hair, then it is high time that you choose any of these two. Some people think these two are almost the same, whereas a few believe they are hugely different from each other. But, whatever the rumors say, the major question that needs an answer is - can they actually remove hair?

So, if you are planning to remove your hair from different areas of the body and you are currently confused about which method to choose, then this blog will help you.

What you should know about these two?

In both of these methods 'IPL/Laser', light is used to destroy hair follicles from the very roots of the skin without causing damage to the skin layers. Through these two procedures, hair can be removed permanently, but there are always a few exceptions where the methods can fail. Experts say that these two hair removal methods can offer a significant edge by stopping hair growth for a long time. However, it is not permanent and does require maintenance once in a while.

When you compare them with shaving or waxing, these are very much different. The results are more promising & long-term, unlike a regular waxing session. That is why most people undergo IPL or laser treatment these days.

Be clear in your mind that the human body is different & complex. That is why the results may vary from person to person. Hair regrowth is possible after a few months or, in some cases few years. The only good thing about these two procedures is that they can deliver finer, reliable, and long-lasting results.

Benefits of IPL Hair Removal Treatment

Intense pulsed light or IPL is a technology that can effectively get rid of outgrown and ingrown hair. Here are some benefits ;

  • Better value for money - With your hair not coming out for a very long time, you presently don't have to fill your reserve of razors and shaving cream. You don't have to have waxing arrangements on frequent stretches. For example, waxing in salons is expensive and painful. The consequences of IPL hair removal procedures are far better than others since you can now own your device with a one-time affordable purchase and perform your treatments from the convenience of your own space.
  • Short and hassle free - IPL hair treatment takes less time when compared with the other hair removal methods. For instance, it can take just 20 minutes weekly to perform your IPL treatment.
  • Riddance from ingrown hair -  It is a convenient choice for those having sensitive skin and experience skin aggravation from shaving or waxing. IPL hair removal is likewise the ideal alternative and the right solution for removing all sorts of ingrown hairs. 

Now let’s be honest, if you are like me, you probably didn’t feel comfortable about some IPL / laser going through your precious skin. But let me tell you, it’s nowhere near as bad as you may think, and the benefits will bypass the trouble. So, if you are thinking of starting your IPL sessions soon, here are a few things you will need to know:

  • Consistency is key! No procedure will give you sudden magical results that you can do once and forget about it. Hair follicles run on their growth cycle, so you need to continue your treatment even after seeing a significant hair reduction. And once every month or two will maximize the potential for targeting the most follicles. That's is when you have finished your once per week 10 – 12-week regime. The good news is that your hair will keep falling off the longer you have your treatment.
  • You won't see significant results before two or three months. A lot of people get disappointed during this period, and I don't blame them. But the reality is, even though some people will see a difference after three to five sessions, some of us will see that change 2 - 3 months after the initial treatment. The good news is that after time, you will see that a lot of your body hair will stop growing back. Your skin will get smoother, and you won't have to shave so frequently, and the hair that remains will grow thinner. And it only gets better with time.
  • If you are using an at-home device like our ‘Luminous’ IPL handset, I like to get myself comfortable first on my bed or sofa, occasionally with a glass of drink in hand, but that is just me, I guess. It usually takes about 20 minutes to do my legs, but my armpits and bikini take just a couple of minutes each.

Best Laser hair removal devie

  • It works differently for everyone, and it all depends on a few factors, but mainly on the hair color and skin tone. The darker the hair, the easier it is to treat. The light energy penetrates below the skin's surface, where it is attracted by the pigment (melanin). If the skin is too dark, then the light is attracted by the melanin present in the skin, thereby restricting light to reach the actual root of the hair. However, our machine comes with 8 different settings and clear instructions setting's for each skin and hair type. You can also find a handy chart in our 'user manual' to know the settings for your skin.
  • The best time to start is the winter or early summer. Because using fake or natural tans is not recommended while using the IPL. You will have the best results when the contrast between your darker hair and lighter skin is more. So doing IPL /laser on your legs when you know you will be tanning often is probably not a good idea. Armpits are OK, as they are not directly exposed to the sun.
  • The best part is that you can continue shaving all along before your IPL treatment until the hair stops growing. DO NOT wax, pluck, or epilate as these hair removal methods remove the entire hair root, which absorbs the light during the treatment.
  • Just like skin and hair tone can affect the results, some skin types might experience pain. I didn't feel any pain at all.
    All I felt during my treatment is a warm zap, but in no way painful or uncomfortable. Some people may describe it as a different sensation but no pain. In case you feel pain, you can adjust the device settings according to your skin type. (By reducing the IPL intensity level on the device )
  • Use sunscreen after each session, as your skin may be more sensitive, so you better protect it.
  • For the first 24 hours after your IPL session, I'd recommend not to have a hot shower or use deodorant or perfumes. Once again, this is due to the sensitivity on the skin.
  • If you wonder if this process (IPL) is safe, the short answer is YES. Of course, But strictly follow the instructions on the manual at all times.
  • Does it work? Well, it all depends on you in the end. Remember what I said about consistency? If you are consistent, eventually, your hair will be gone naturally. But it takes time. I can go an entire month without shaving my legs now. But I was strict with my routine from the start. For our devices, we recommend doing it once a week for the first 12 weeks. Target the same spot multiple times during a session to ensure the light reaches every single follicle. However, before flashing on the same spot again, continue doing the whole area, and once finished, you can start all over again. It will give each treated area some time to rest in between the flashes. Usually over 10 seconds is fine.
  • Is it worth it? Definitely! I've struggled with some extra hair, and I can tell you, I wouldn't change IPL for anything. It's convenient, painless and it's a long-term solution. Now I have the freedom to wear what I want when I want without having to worry about my body hair.
We hope you find this helpful, and some doubts you may have had are cleared. If you have more questions, you can go to our FAQs page or send us an email at: 

IPL Hair Removal Handsets

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