Banish Acne Scars With IPL Therapy

Acne is an extremely common type of skin condition that develops due to clogged hair follicles and pores. These skin pores become plugged because of the presence of dead skin cells and skin oils, leading to the development of lesions, popularly known as pimples. Most acne outbreaks appear on the face, but they can also form on areas like the chest, back and shoulders.

Acne is a condition that most often begins fading away as we move into our thirties. However, people in their forties and fifties also occasionally suffer from this common skin condition.



Types of Acne Scars

Although acne is a common skin condition that typically resolves itself in early adulthood, it can have lingering effects in the form of permanent scars that can really detract from one's appearance.

The type of acne scars that can occur will vary, depending upon what type of acne caused them and how it was treated. Squeezing and popping acne pimples can increase the chance that scars develop.

The three most common types of acne scars are:

  • Atrophic
  • Hypertrophic
  • Keloid

Keloid and hypertrophic scars appear as raised skin lumps. Atrophic scars can be depressions of various sizes under the skin, or completely flat. Atrophic scars have subcategories of scars that include ice pick, boxcar, and rolling scars.

Icepick Scars

Icepick are typically small with rigid edges. This type are called “icepick” scars since they look like they were caused by skin damaged by an icepick. They are most commonly found alone the jawline and on the cheeks.

Rolling Scars

The rolling scar is a type of atrophic scar with a wavy skin texture. They are larger and wider than icepick scars and often have sloped edges. This type of acne scar is most commonly found on the jawline or the cheeks.

Icepick scars develop when severe acne is healing. They form mainly due to the loss of collagen. If you pick at your acne, you may develop this type of scar.

Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are shallow depressions that have somewhat straight edges that resemble a box or square. This type typically develops along the jaw, cheeks and temples.

The most common cause of boxcar scars are nodular acne or untreated cystic acne. Like atrophic scars, they develop due to the body producing insufficient collagen to heal the skin.

Keloid Scars

This type of scar presents as a lumpy, red scar on the skin's surface. They are most often found alone the jawline and on the chest, neck, back and shoulders.

IPL Treatment for Acne Scars

If you are bothered by the appearance of acne scars, you may want to consider undergoing an IPL treatment. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This is an FDA-approved form of light therapy that is useful in stimulating the turnover of skin cells so that your skin becomes smoother and more even, due to enhanced collagen and elastin production. The effect is that your acne scars will be reduced to help improve your appearance.

Acne Scar Treatment

In addition to helping minimize acne scars, IPL therapy is useful for minimizing the appearance of:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Texture and tone
  • Skin redness
  • Skin blotchiness
  • Sun damage

If you are struggling with the appearance of acne scars on your skin, particularly those like rolling scars that are superficial, you may benefit from an IPL treatment. Light therapy is often useful in treating acne scars using several treatment sessions.

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IPL therapy works to improve your skin by targeting layers of skin deep under its surface for the stimulation of natural collagen and elastin production. This means that brand new skin tissue will be stimulated by the treatment to replace old, scar-damaged skin.

Although IPL therapy helps to minimize almost any type of scar, if your scars are more superficial you may achieve stunning results that help to smooth your skin in a very natural and safe way.

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